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Regular Meeting
July 10, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present:  Hovious, Barkman, Ferguson, Cramer, Kaley and Wright.
Staff Present:  Rob Sibley, Conservation Official; Tammy Hazen, Clerk.

Executive session to discuss potential purchases of properties convened at 5:33 p.m. and adjourned at 6:07 p.m.

The public hearing was called to order at 6:07 p.m.

I.      Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.

II.     Minutes

Commissioner Hovious motioned to approve minutes of June 26, 2007 with the following changes:  
Under Old Business, Item 4, “Kaley” should be changed to “Wilson”;  Under Old Business, Item 5, sentence should read, “Item was discussed under Item 2.”; and the meeting adjourned at “8:30.”

Ms. Hazen will listen to the tape of the April 24th meeting and supply minutes.

III.    Old Business

1.      Education Subcommittee Report - Website

Commissioner Cramer placed the press release and rating form on the town’s website.  Commissioner Ferguson will work with the Technology Department and Jan Andras to get the town’s updated open space map (that is due to be completed next month) and the “What is an Aquifer” presentation on the website.  Commissioner Hovious will be putting together a draft presentation in Word format and is looking for assistance to transfer into Power Point.  

The Commissioners discussed sharing knowledge and computer skills.  Mr. Sibley confirmed that the Commissioners will have a laptop computer to share within the next month.  It will have Microsoft Office applications, including Power Point.  

2.      Commerce Road Economic Development and Open Space Discussion

Commissioner Hovious opened up discussion by stating that the Commission has received updated maps and photos.  He called Chet Hopper and that Bill Carboni should have them and to let the Commission know if anything needs to be done soon because the Commissioners will be out (off and on) during the summer.  He suggests the Commissioners review their calendars to see who will be available.  

Mr. Sibley discussed an article in the newspaper regarding the Derby Energy Power Grid’s approval.  It will be put on-line tomorrow.  This relates to the Commission’s discussions of energy alternatives for this property.  Businesses are excited about this alternative to reduce rates.  The grid is being known as one of the most-progressive energy alternatives in this part of the country.  

Commissioner Ferguson compiled reasons why the Commission originally arrived at the determination of Open Space on this property.  The Commission worked together to summarize the list into 4 to 5 categories that could be presented to the Economic Development Committee, the Newtown Bee and anyone else with interest in the Open Space plan.  

Commissioner Ferguson will work on a two page press release.  The Commissioners will work on the package that will be sent electronically to the EDC.  

Report on Newbrook Planning and Zoning Meeting

Commissioner Wright stated that Planning & Zoning heard the last public hearing for this application.  The Inland Wetlands Commission’s public hearing has been closed and a decision will be rendered at the next meeting on 7/25/07.  

Report on Recommendation to Planning & Zoning to Clarify Open Space Definition

Commissioner Hovious presented a draft memo to P & Z regarding the proposed clarification of the definition of “Open Space.”  The memo was unanimously approved using the suggestion of Option 2.    

Trees in Fairfield Hills.

Commissioner Cramer has submitted a list of suggested trees to Dr. Reed.  Although the Kousa Dogwood was added to the list, Sara Middleer felt very strongly that because it was not a native species, it shouldn’t be included.  Dr. Reed stated the list will be passed on to the person responsible for the brochures.  

New Items as Introduced by Commissioner Hovious

Old Business:  Adams Subdivision on 1 Twist Hill Lane.  

An original subdivision request on this property was withdrawn and the applicant, Milton Adams, and his attorney have returned to discuss having previously-designated Open Space changed to “Pay in Lieu of.”  The applicant is having an appraisal completed to determine the Pay-in-Lieu-of amount.  The Commission still has the opportunity to make comments to Planning & Zoning.  Commissioner Barkman moved that the Commission send Mr. Sibley a letter that Commissioner Hovious wrote concerning the Open Space recommendation.  Mr. Sibley will send a letter to Planning & Zoning.  

New Business:  Mile-a-Minute Invasive Plant

Mr. Sibley discussed an invasive plant, Mile-a-Minute, that has been found in Newtown.  The vine is known to grow 6 inches per day, although Mr. Sibley has measure its growth as much as 12 inches per day.  The vine climbs and smothers all vegetation.  It grows well in organic or sandy soils.  It propagates incredibly fast and seeds can be transported by birds and waterways. There is an approx. 12’ x 12’ patch in a culvert at the intersection of Brushy Hill and Huntingtown Roads.  Mr. Sibley and George Benson researched the area and found more growing on property adjacent to Planter’s Choice Nursery and along a waterway tributary leading to Pootatuck.  The Mile-a Minute should be pulled and destroyed before it goes to seed in August.  

Mr. Sibley contacted an invasive plant program sponsored by UConn and the DEP.  Donna Ellis’ responsibility is to monitor and enforce invasive plants in Connecticut.  There is an intern who organizes volunteer groups to pull the plants.  The group visited the Newtown site last week.  This should take precedence and action needs to be taken quickly.  He asked the Conservation Commission to prepare its first emergency publication to the Bee regarding and to work with Kathleen Nelson and Donna Ellis, from this program, to help organize volunteers from local environmental groups.  Mr. Sibley will send an e-mail stating that the Commission has been informed - Kathleen Nelson will take charge of the process from here.

Mr. Sibley is working on meeting with Chuck Newman from Planter’s Choice.  He is a member and industry representative with the Connecticut Invasive Plants Council.  

Next Meeting

The July 24th 2007 meeting has been cancelled.  The next meeting will be August 14th.

Commissioner Ferguson made a Motion to Adjourn at 8:30 p.m.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.